The Who
- Governing body for rugby union
- 12x locations and training grounds
The Challenge
- Previous IT manager left suddenly
- Team was left with long-overdue VM updates with legacy VMware technology
- As their primary infrastructure, this put them in a precarious position
- Experiencing regular issues and conflicts hampering production environment
- No expertise in-house to resolve them
The Solution
- Proposed health check to review their estate
- Diagnosed problems, identified fixes, and implemented changes
- Leveraged Servium Services Ecosystem for project
- Project undertaken over 6-9 months, orchestrated around matches
The Benefits
- Fully documented instructions for running the environment
- Enabled independent operation to continue
- Highly flexible resourcing and delivery
- Accessed expert VMware knowledge
- Right soft skills for knowledge transfer
Why Servium?
- Strong relationship built on trust over 4 years
- Breadth and depth of capability and access to skills
- Time invested previously on-site and in-person
- Willingness to always go the extra mile