Meet the future of on-premises

Cloud migration comes with lots of big promises, but migration costs, upskilling, and a reticence to change systems which aren’t totally broken often stand in the way of unlocking the cloud experience. It’s no wonder that 80% of workloads remain on premises.*

But what if you could harness the experience of cloud, without needing to up sticks and migrate?

Simplify your IT with composable infrastructure

Composable infrastructure enables businesses to decouple their infrastructure resources, and build software-defined templates that can be deployed in seconds. These templates are perfectly provisioned to run any given workload – whether it’s a legacy app, or a virtualised container.

We’ve written an Insight Guide that breaks down exactly what composable infrastructure is, and how businesses of any size can harness its power and agility to drive growth.

What's Inside?

Our Insight Guide contains the 6 key differentiators that make composable infrastructure the future of on-prem in any business, including:

  • Getting a cloud-like experience from your on-premises provisioning
  • Enabling DevOps to transform your business
  • Facilitating more efficient, effective IT management

Fill out the form opposite and download your copy.

* McKinsey. IT as a service: from build to consumption.